28 February 2009

I'm horrible at the friends that are girls thing.

As in having female friends. Especially in large groups.

I was complaining to my (male) friend that I have no girl friends and he told me I should hang out with his fiancee because he thought we'd really get along and she's always complaining about the exact same issue. Great, I thought. New friend!

I adore his fiancee. She's amazing, we have a lot of the same interests (read: shopping), and she's just a fun person. So when she asked me over for a girl's night with some of her friends, I jumped at the chance. I made cupcakes (I was making them anyway for dinner at my sister's) and got there on time. Turns out, her friends aren't quite what I pictured. Her cousin is ghet-to. She was wearing more eye make-up than necessary and is 20 or something so she loved talking about how she's so cool because she drinks but she's underage. Her best friend is dating her brother and is my age but acts like she's also under 21 and invented the act of getting hamboned. Her other friends were just different for lack of a better word to describe them.

Normally, I have no problem fitting in and am able to hold a conversation with people I don't know about pretty much anything. I guess I just wasn't in the mood to try to be involved in a conversation about something I have absolutely no interest in. And then the board games came out and I don't feel comfortable when my extreme competitive side comes out around people I don't know. And if there's a game involved...it will. To the max. Also, I'm not into drinking large amounts of alcohol and then driving myself home. So I made up some excuse about how I had to meet some friends at a bar and left. It wasn't a complete lie...I was getting texts from some friends asking me to come to the bar. But for some reason I find myself in bed, snuggled up with Carolyn Cassady's adventures with Neal Cassady and Jack Kerouac. I'm lame.

Counting down the days until I can move back to Seattle....


Jeanette said...

Let's be friends! I don't wear too much eye makeup, or talk about underage drinking, or getting hamboned. I like to think I can have intelligent conversation.