29 January 2009

I'm still in your blood, you're still in my blood.

I'm all for a bi-partisan government (as left-wing as I am). I think it is crucial, especially right now. While I do not agree with everything he has done in naming his cabinet members, I applaud Obama for treading on middle ground thus far. So why is it that Congressional Republicans cannot play nicely, especially after they got the tax cuts and other provisions written into the stimulus bill, provisions they insisted on? And then have the gall to say to Durbin, "Don't give up on us. We still want to work with you." I don't think this will continue on when it gets to the Senate but I do have to say that I'm not liking Pelosi lately.

On that note, The Huffington Post (and GoFugYourself) is why I never get anything done, I swear.

I'm not sure how many more articles I can read about families involved in murder-suicides. It makes me incredibly nauseous. Has our country really fallen this far?

I adore this photograph and I'm not sure why:

Interview tomorrow. Keeping my fingers crossed. Although now I've posted that fact on here and told some of my friends, I'm sure I've jinxed it.

Next up: 101 in 1001 Days project
(I take back the words "next up" - I can't promise that as it might take a while to compile this list, as I would like it to be sincere)

Go download the Bloody Beatroots - erm, if you like electro musc. If that's not your thing, try "Time Lapse Lifeline" by Maria Taylor or "Bitches in Tokyo" by STARS.